Premier Jour

Premier Jour

2001 Creation
Woman Gender
Floral - Fruity Olfactory groups
Olfactory pyramid
Top Notes : Peony, Mandarin
Heart Notes : Orchid, Gardenia
Premier Jour
Perfume grade 5/5 Rate and comment perfume 4 Opinions
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The optimism of mandarin and the cheerfulness of sweet pea and gardenia offset the intimate character of a sweet note, the vanilla-flavored orchid and mahaleb wood accents.Sandalwood and musk prolong the softness.


Premier Jour, "the first day" of a new era for Nina Ricci, inaugurates the revival of the brand's original codes.A promise of rebirth, a return to sensual origins, Premier Jour respects and enables women without imposing itself.It conveys the duality between modesty and consent, freedom and control. The perfume has established itself by revisiting sensuality and seduction addressing the body as much as the mind.Its fragrance uplifts the senses with luminous notes.


A Fabien Baron creation, the light peach-colored bottle features two off-centered cylinders made of sensuous frosted glass. The ad is consistent with the new trends of positive and intimist perfumes.

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