What are the 3 best tips to help a fragrance last longer?
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What are the 3 best tips to help a fragrance last longer?

07 august 2012

Do you have a new perfume that doesn’t last? Or even one that used to last quite well, but that you can barely smell anymore? Don’t worry, I’ve got some great tips & tricks to help!

1. First of all, remember to keep your skin well-moisturized

You’ve probably already noticed that fragrances last longer on some people than on others. And there’s a good reason for that: fragrances react to your skin’s ph factor. But no matter what your skin type, or if you’re a blond, a redhead or you’ve got brown hair, well-moisturized skin will allow your fragrance to unfold in the best possible way... and to last longer, too! So do what I do: use lots of moisturizers to enjoy that new fragrance of yours to the hilt...

2. Next, test different concentrations before choosing a fragrance

Eau de toilette, eau de parfum, extract and more...the choice can be wide, and it isn’t always easy to know which one to pick.
I generally prefer the eau de parfum, or even, if it’s an option, the extract. Although eaux de toilette are lower-priced, they also contain a lower concentration of fragrant essences. They aren’t usually meant to last more than 4 to 6 hours, while eaux de parfum can last a whole day, and offer a lusher, more enveloping trail.


I also give in to the temptation of the full range of products available in my latest scent: shower gel, body lotion, hair mist... Those little treats also have the extra advantage of extending the life of my fragrance!
By the way, just like the concentration, what family the fragrance is in matters too. An oriental perfume, like a vanilla scent, for instance, will often be more long-lasting than a citrusy eau de toilette. But it’s a question of taste, of course. When you get right down to it, the smell of your fragrance has to be the ultimate factor in making your choice.

3. And last, but not least, apply fragrance in all the right places!


When I put perfume on, I go for the pulse points: i.e. inside my wrists, behind my ears, between my breasts, behind my knees, etc. Those warm, mobile spots radiate the most heat: they help perfume come alive on your skin, making the trail more intense and long-lasting.
But I also have a few tricks of my own to boost how long my perfume lasts, like spraying the seams ofmy clothes for example, or the back of my neck at the edge of my scalp: for a long-lasting and sensual trail, guaranteed!
If, despite all these ideas, your fragrance is still too ephemeral, try alternating with another one. Sometimes it’s just that we get so used to a scent that we don’t notice it any more. By switching back and forth between two or more, you just might fall in love with your favorite fragrance all over again!

What about you, what are your tricks for getting your perfume to last longer?


Sophie Normand

Sophie Normand

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Even though I’ve been fascinated by perfume since I was a teenager, I still studied first law and then journalism. I started writing professionally, and then about three years ago I thought of doing a blog about perfume. Alongside that, I share my passion for perfume through other media as...

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  • 26 october 2012

    As pessoas normalmente saturam o olfato depois de algum tempo, certamente variar o perfume é uma ótima dica!

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  • 25 october 2012

    Aplico sempre depois do banho, com a pele ainda morna--- me parece que a fragrância se fixa melhor. Se por acaso uso colônias, reaplico durante o dia, pois nesse caso, por ter concentração menor, não vai durar o dia inteiro

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